Are You Registered to Vote?

Here are some resources for you to make sure you’re registered to vote. You will likely need to update your information if you moved, changed your name, or for certain other reasons. Here is a link to the Pierce County Elections webpage with this information.

  • The nonpartisan Vote.Org website also has many useful tools. Check it out for lots of useful information.
  • You can check to see if you’re a Pierce County registered voter, register to vote online, or update your registration online by clicking here.
  • You can view the Initiative 9 in its entirety by clicking here.
  • You view, download, or print out the paper version of the Pierce County registration form below.

Here’s the Initiative 9 Material

Below is the printable petition for Initiative 9, which will raise the minimum wage to $15/hr in 2020. Please call us for copies and/or download and print it out. We need your help getting signatures.  Be sure to promptly return it to us at the address listed on the petition.

If you do decide to print it out, make sure it’s printed on 11 inches by 17 inches, portrait orientation, or the election officials will not accept the sheet.

You can download the petition as a PDF or even read it here if your screen device permits. In case you can’t read it on your screen and it’s inconvenient to download it, below is an official summary.

The city attorney created an impartial official title for this initiative. This title reads as follows:

Citizens’ Initiative Measure No. 9 concerns establishing a minimum wage for the City of Tacoma. This measure would require certain size employers to pay employees who work in the City of Tacoma, or maintain, report to, or are supervised from an office in the City, an hourly wage of not less than $14.25 on January 1, 2021, $15.00 on July 2021, then adjusted annually for inflation. This measure would create a citizen commission to monitor the City’s administration and enforcement of the minimum wage requirements and make violation a crime.

This is the City Attorney’s impartial explanatory statement, which will go into the voters’ handbook.

This measure, proposed by citizens’ initiative petition, would add a new chapter to the Tacoma Municipal Code entitled “Tacoma Minimum Wage Ordinance.” This ordinance establishes a minimum hourly wage of not less than $14.25 on January 1, 2021, and $15.00 on July 1, 2021. The ordinance applies to all employees who work more than two hours in the City of Tacoma, or maintain, report to, or are supervised from an office in the City, with the exception of employees engaged in casual labor in private homes and certain volunteers. Employers that receive exemptions or are subject to the small business phased tax credit under the City Tax and License Code, or are located outside of the City with gross income less than the highest dollar amount used for small business phased tax credits, are exempt. Beginning September 30, 2021, the minimum wage would increase annually by the greater of 4% or the rate of inflation using the CPI W for urban wage earners and clerical workers effective January 1st of the subsequent year, if the minimum wage is less than the affordable housing wage. The ordinance creates a citizen commission to monitor the City’s administration and enforcement of the minimum wage requirements, and makes violation a crime.