Petition Drive Postponed

Yesterday, March 17, 2020, the 15 Now Tacoma Board of Directors (BOD) decided to postpone further gathering of signatures until at least the end of April because of the current pandemic. At the end of April, the BOD will decide how we will continue this campaign. It is possible we may delay any attempt to put Initiative 9 on the 2020 ballot and may go for a 2021 initiative instead.

We are concerned about the health of our volunteers as well as the health of petition signers. Health authorities tell us a person may be infected but show no signs of illness. Such people can pass on the COVID 19 to other, more vulnerable members of society.

We are very grateful to those who have supported Initiative 9 with their spirit and hard work. And we are grateful to everyone who signed our petition, spread the word, or in general worked for the betterment of working people. We have every reason to be proud of ourselves.

We’re not calling it quits. This is only a postponement. We will continue to maintain the website and continue trying to get endorsers for making the minimum wage to be a living wage. Hard times are ahead of us, but we must not allow ourselves to be defeated.

Please take care of yourselves, look after your loved ones and neighbors.

In solidarity,

15 Now Tacoma Board of Directors

Minutes of March 7, 2020 Meeting

You can read the minutes for March 7, 2020 below or download them by clicking here.

Fancy Divider Brown Arrow

Volunteer Meeting, 03/07/2020

15 Now Tacoma Meeting
Sat, March 7, 2020PM
Red Elm Cafe 1114 MLK Jr. Wy

DO YOU WANT to be part of the signature gathering effort to put Initiative 9 on Tacoma’s ballsot?  Can you live on your current wage? Does your boss treat you with enough respect to actually pay you a living wage?

Become a volunteer activist and join us in raising  the minimum wage to a living wage here in Tacoma. Hear about the progress we’ve made so far and what you can do to make this a reality. Work with this local collective of working-class Tacomans, low-wage workers, retired people, community activists, religious activists, labor activists, and friends fighting for a dignified minimum wage.

Please plan on attending