Who We Are

We are the NEW 15Now Tacoma, a descendant of the original 15/Now Tacoma Coalition.
Mission Statement
What We Do
15 Now Tacoma is a nonpartisan, single-issue community of volunteers which seeks to raise Tacoma’s minimum wage to at least $15/hour . Our goal is a minimum wage that’s a living wage.
How We Do This
We engage in events and activities such as a ballot initiative which would make this proposal into a City of Tacoma ordinance. We welcome the support and participation of all who agree with our goal regardless of political or religious affiliation, race, or sexuality.
Why We Do This
We believe elementary justice demands that the minimum wage for Tacoma’s workers should be a living wage.
Our Volunteers
We are your neighbors and co-workers. We are a coalition, a local collective of working-class Tacomans, low-wage workers, retired people, community activists, religious activists, labor activists, and friends fighting for a dignified minimum wage. We favor a minimum wage that’s a living wage, a wage that will enable a worker to support him/herself in our present economic context.

Where We Came From

Some 5 years ago, the original coalition put a $15/hour minimum wage proposal on the Tacoma ballot. But powerful special interests, including the Chamber of Commerce, the City Council, the Mayor, and the Downtown Merchants’ Group placed a watered-down counter-measure on the ballot. The wording on the ballot was very confusing. To pass the $15/hour minimum wage, the voter had to vote twice, in two different parts of the ballot. Check out the educational video the original 15 Now Tacoma put together explaining how and where to mark the ballot in two places.
The special interests outspent the 15/Now Tacoma coalition by more than 10-to-1. Their measure won. Though we did not get the $15/hour minimum raise, the new law was a partial concession to us and a partial victory.

Our Appeal To You

Please join us in this struggle. We will need to determine what increase in the minimum wage we will fight for. Tacoma workers deserve to be paid enough to live without public assistance. You can attend meetings and events, help plan forums and voter outreach and download our Mission Statement.
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