Volunteer Meeting, 03/07/2020

15 Now Tacoma Meeting
Sat, March 7, 2020PM
Red Elm Cafe 1114 MLK Jr. Wy

DO YOU WANT to be part of the signature gathering effort to put Initiative 9 on Tacoma’s ballsot?  Can you live on your current wage? Does your boss treat you with enough respect to actually pay you a living wage?

Become a volunteer activist and join us in raising  the minimum wage to a living wage here in Tacoma. Hear about the progress we’ve made so far and what you can do to make this a reality. Work with this local collective of working-class Tacomans, low-wage workers, retired people, community activists, religious activists, labor activists, and friends fighting for a dignified minimum wage.

Please plan on attending

Final initiative from 2015

Here is the PDF of the final 2015 initiative, which contains the language of the entire proposed law. At a later point, we will post a docx version of just the language.

Volunteer Meeting, 06/01/2019

15 Now Tacoma Meeting
Sat, June 1, 2019, 3:30 PM
Red Elm Cafe 1114 MLK Jr. Wy


DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT THE SPECIAL INTERESTS? Can you live on your current wage? Does your boss treat you with enough respect to pay you a living wage?

Become a volunteer activist and join us in a planning meeting to raise the minimum wage to a living wage here in Tacoma. Work with this local collective of working-class Tacomans, low-wage workers, retired people, community activists, religious activists, labor activists, and friends fighting for a dignified minimum wage.

Volunteer Meeting, 04/27/2019

15 Now Tacoma Meeting
Sat, April 27, 2019, 3:30 PM
Red Elm Cafe 1114 MLK Jr. Wy

DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT THE SPECIAL INTERESTS? Can you live on your current wage? Does your boss treat you with enough respect to pay you a living wage?

Become a volunteer activist and join us in a planning meeting to raise the minimum wage to a living wage here in Tacoma. Work with this local collective of working-class Tacomans, low-wage workers, retired people, community activists, religious activists, labor activists, and friends fighting for a dignified minimum wage.